March Newsletter

NEWSLETTER: Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dear Family, Friends, Clients, Providers of Alternative Healthcare, and new Acquaintances,

“Hello!” from Kelly and Amy Lang; daughter – mother. If you don’t remember us, we are from Clinton, Minnesota, Big Stone County—the city of Ortonville being our County Seat. “The bottom of the bump, but the top of the world!”, they say here! We sure hope each and every one of you are doing well, considering the many conditions going on worldwide affecting all of our lives. Our health, our prosperity, our sovereignty, our emotional health, our integrity, and much more can all be compromised or wonderfully enhanced by each choice we and others make daily–which brings us quickly to our points in reaching out to you!

We recently published a 400-plus page book titled, “Your Life Your Choice Let the Healing Begin A JOURNEY OF DIS-EASE TO EASE Healing Holistically of Pancreatic Cancer”! This book is Kelly’s seven- year digestive health journey from 2010-2017 which includes detailed descriptions of her illness while pressing in on revealing the source of her daily pain, stories of daily life, of growing up, conversations with various health-care providers, family, friends–including her “Papa God”, stories of her faithful pets, some great health tips, and so much more! What an accomplishment to not only have Kelly’s health back, improved 10-fold, but to put her story into a book to share with anyone interested in reading it! Which brings us to our next point of contact!

As of last fall we started making time available in our schedules through the remainder of the year for book speaking engagements with groups being social, specialized, business, non-profit, holistic healthcare, and church groups. We would be thankful  to have an opportunity to visit you in any of these or other settings within our home-state of Minnesota and beyond if feasible. Since we have no set speaking fee at this time, we would ask for either a freewill donation be made during our time with any group, or a one-time “gift” offering to hopefully cover expenses to, while, and from any engagement for two travelers! We present this so you know our present stand on “speaking fees” as of August of 2022.

FYI: A speaking engagement takes approximately 40-45 minutes. We briefly introduce ourselves and take 12-15 minutes of reading from inside our book, all before a “Question & Answer” session which would take the rest of the time allowed. Before and after the read and discussion we’d ask to have a table provided for book sales, which we, ourselves, would attend to. Signing of books could take place at both of these times as well, before and after. If need be, we have a professional and trustworthy sound system if your group does not have access to one. Ours can accommodate multiple mics, is pitch-perfect for a clear sound to small and large groups, AND it is easy to pack-n-go–taking less than 5-minutes to set-up, test, and we’re ON! Inquire for this addition if needed.

Does this sound simple? We think so! And hey, Kelly has a compelling—not to be resisted, overwhelming–story to tell inside of the book! We would be grateful for any opportunity to come and share our book with you, your clients, acquaintances, organization, family, and friends! If there is an interest in having us visit you, we would love to talk with you or to whom would be in charge of organizing it. Please go to the “Contact” tab on the website and leave your name, contact information, and a written message or request.

Thank you for any and all interests in our book and speaking with you! For more information about the book–how to purchase it online at various distributors and to learn more about us and what we do for a living—again, please visit our website: then click “MEET OUR TEAM” tab. Scroll to read our health testimonies of why we do what we do. Also, click on the “BOOK” tab to find links for purchasing “Your Life Your Choice Let the Healing Begin A JOURNEY OF DIS-EASE TO EASE Healing Holistically of Pancreatic Cancer”! Finally, check out our recent blogs on the “BLOG” tab!

Are you curious to read and seed with us? We really hope so! We truly look forward to hearing from you, so please don’t hesitate to reach back to us with questions and inquire about a speaking engagement in your area of this great big dynamic world! Please share this NEWSLETTER with anyone you think may have an interest! THANKS SO MUCH! God bless you!

Peace-filled and Yours,

Kelly Lang – Amy Lang

You can purchase the book via these links OR, at our office located at 706 2nd Street SE, Ortonville, MN 56278



Barnes & Noble:

Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears at us and pulls everything off until what’s left is what we really are.
-Arthur Golden

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